Friday, October 24, 2008

Back to Work Week

Well this was our first week in daycare and back at work. WE SURVIVED!!! Tatum had a few rough days at daycare and is still trying to get used to sleeping on her back in the crib. Yesterday and today Tatum came home in a good mood, but very tired. She has managed to somehow go to the bathroom on her clothes 3 days this week, so I pick her up and she is in a dorky outfit (her backup)! Oh well she can't always be the fashion icon. Today her teacher, Mrs. Rachel said that whenever anyone comes into the room they always say how pretty Tatum is and that she has such beautiful eyes...Thanks for the eyes dad! Enjoy the new pics.

Monday, October 20, 2008

First Day of Daycare

Well today was Tatum's first day (6 hours) at daycare. I was able to get so much done while she was being cared for. When I went to pick her up, I could hear a baby crying that sounded like Tatum and I was just hoping it was not her. Sure enough it was my little baby crying and fighting her nap! As soon as I got in the room she calmed down and fell asleep in the teachers arms. She was in her spare outfit as she gave the teacher a surprise when the diaper was removed during her diaper change! That is my Tatum. Wanted to take a picture of her first day at daycare, but she was too cranky....maybe tomorrow will be better!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

More information as we GROW

So the past 9 weeks have been fun, tiring, and a challenge for both Shawn and I, but we would not change any of it for the world. Tatum is growing so big. She is now up to 10 1/2 lbs and received her first round of immunization shots this past week. :( Not a happy baby like she typically is. Tatum went to visit her daycare this past week as she will begin daycare tomorrow. She is growing up so fast! We have learned to smile at everyone and we are trying to figure out how to suck our thumb....she must get this from Aunt Yonder! The good news, she is a good sleeper. She will pretty much sleep through the night for us. Yea! We will keep you posted as she grows.....

New To This World

So, we thought this would be a good and easy way to share updates on our little family. Tatum "Tater Tot" Massey was born on Wednesday, August 13 at 6:09pm. You will have to forgive my past tense blog here, but want to make sure I note everything. We were told we would be induced on Tuesday the 12th and that our Baby X (we chose not to know the sex) would enter the world on the 13th. Daddy and I were not happy about the particular date, but what could we do. So Tuesday evening we made our venture to the Hospital to begin the induction. The next morning my doctor came in and began the inducement drug Petossin. I was in labor for about 10 hours, received my first epidural about 4 hours into labor. I could not dilate enough so we had to have a c-section. Fun, Fun, Fun. We were shocked and surprised when the anethiseologist told Shawn he could stand up and see the baby coming out, at which point Shawn actually announced the sex of the baby! She was wide awake and alert. After we were allowed to go back to the recovery room where all our family and friends were, Tatum stayed awake and alert for everyone to hold her. All of the nursing staff was anxious to know what the sex was. Please enjoy the pictures from this event.

Welcome Baby Massey

Welcome Baby Massey
Tatum has arrived